Ruslan Nikolaev

Ph.D., Assistant Professor
The Pennsylvania State University

Email: rnikola {AT}

I am an Assistant Professor with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Penn State. Prior to that, I worked as a Research Assistant Professor at Systems Software Research Group (Virginia Tech) led by Prof. Binoy Ravindran. Before my academic career, I worked as a Senior Software Engineer with Pure Storage, Inc. and as a Software Engineer with Microsoft Corporation. I completed my Ph.D. in Computer Science at Virginia Tech in 2013. My Ph.D. advisor was Prof. Godmar Back.

Research interests: Operating systems, concurrency, algorithms, virtualization, file systems, storage, networking.

I am recruiting students. Please send me an email if you are interested.

Contact: W331 Westgate Building, University Park, PA 16802

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Open Source Activity

Over the years, I contributed code to various open-source projects. Some examples where my code ended up upstreamed are: LLVM/clang compiler, NetBSD, Info-ZIP (ubiquitous zip/unzip archiver), RHash (tool with numerous hash-sum functions), GNU GRUB 2 bootloader, and Syllable OS.

Please also see the native UEFI shim, a fork of Red Hat's UEFI shim (hosted on my github). The fork is completely standalone and does not use gnu-efi with ELF wrappers. Instead, it uses native UEFI compilation with the PE/COFF output format. Due to much better linking, it also drastically reduces executable image sizes.

Past Work Experience

Virginia Tech, ECE, Research Assistant Professor, 2017-2021
Pure Storage, Senior Software Engineer, 2014-2017
Microsoft, Software Engineer, 2014
VMware, Software Engineer (Intern), Summer 2012
Microsoft, Software Engineer (Intern), Summer 2011
ABBYY, Software Engineer, 2007

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